Day 8: Worth the wait

336 miles
15 mpg
$6: Buffalo Gap Campground, Sentinel Butte, North Dakota

Today started out like the last two: waiting. This was my view for much of the morning.

But then my drone arrived, I continued on my way West, and things got better. Much better. Especially when I came upon Theodore Roosevelt National Park.

I had hoped to get a few more miles in today, but this was too tempting to pass up. Judging by how empty the rest stop was, I went to the national park gate, thinking at 4pm I could waltz into a walk-up camp-site.

Wrong. So wrong. All full. So, I made a U-turn.

But the next exit West had Buffalo Gap Campground (part of the USDA Forrest Service – who knew?)

I dunno – was this camp-site worth $6?

I know I’m in the wrong state, but I half-expected to see Carrie Ingalls stumble down the grassy hill.

And since I now had my drone. And I confirmed that it was legal to fly in a USDA National Forrest. And there was no one around to bother. I made one flight. Just one.

As I was landing, a car pulled into the camp spot across the road, and I decided to let them enjoy this unspoiled grassland without the sound (albeit whisper quiet) of my drone. Of course, as I’m writing this, someone just started a loud generator…

Tomorrow, it’s on to Canada via Sweet Grass, Montana. I better eat my grapefruit, bacon, eggs, and open cheeses. I guess I’ll have breakfast for dinner tonight. No more vodka in the freezer. Two cans of bear spray to declare. Does a half can SPAM count as meat?

11 thoughts on “Day 8: Worth the wait

  1. Drone flight was phenomenal. And I loved the soundtrack. Yes, a half can of SPAM count as meat. Awesome wide-open spaces, especially for only $6.

  2. Wow. The drone cam is amazing! So glad it finally arrived. I am lovin this trip so far. I hope they don’t confiscate your Spam at the border. I mean, it’s not really food…

  3. That drone footage is awesome? (Is it still footage if it’s digital?)
    You’re probably already across, but I just declared what I had and they let me take it.

  4. I stayed there a few yrs ago. Beautiful place but if you go hiking Def put on spray and check yourself for ticks. I had 10 latched to me when I finally noticed em!

  5. Thanks for sharing your adventure! I’m looking at drones and would appreciate info on yours. The video appears really clear.
    Thank you,

    1. If you click on the word tabadabadoo on the top left, it’ll take you to the main page. Scroll to the right to see past posts. Glad you’re enjoying it.

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